产品名称:工业冷水机 | Industrial Chiller 性能特点∣Features ●冷水机应用于塑料加工机械成型模具冷却,能够大大提高塑料制品表面光洁度,减少塑料制品表面纹痕和内 应力,使产品不缩水、不变形,便于塑料制品的脱模,加速产品定型,从而较大地提高塑料成型机的生产效率。 ●全新进口压缩机和高效壳管式冷凝器、蒸发器组合,**强制冷、宁静省电。 ●微电脑全功能控制,操作简便。 ●*有全新设计之不锈钢开放式水缸,清洗、修护方便快捷。 ●内部管路布局合理,有效降低能耗。 ●设有精密电子温度控制器,能精确的控制水温于3°C至5°C内。 ●具有电流过载保护、高低压制及电子时间延迟等完备的安全保护装置、异常指示系统。 ●屏幕同时液晶显示冷水出口、冷水入口和设定温度(选配)。 ●有单机、双机、四机组合,能源效率高。 Controlled by microcontroller, and consists of LCD screen and keyboard with easy interface. Adopted high precision electronic temperature controller to maintain water temperature within 3-5°C. Displays setting temperature and actual temperature. Designed with optimized single compressor, double compressor or triple compressor to reduce energy consumption. Equipped wth imported compressor, efident condenser and evaporator and reasonable pipeline layout to enable high refrigerating eficiency All warning messages are shown in codes for convenient troubleshooting. Safet functions indude reversed/faulty phase protection,pump overload protection,highlow voltage protection low pressure protection, overheat protection,