名称:300G/400G独立式吸料机 特点: 体积小、重量轻,可直接放置在干燥机或其他原料容器上,完成自动上料工作。 微电脑操作控制程序。 过载、缺料报警。 300G采用高速整流马达,体积小、吸力强,适合用于新料输送。 **采用线控器控制,机台下即可设定、控制,方便、快捷。 设有空气过滤器(可选件)。 ●Small and light,which can be directly mounted on dryre and molding moachine's feeding port. ●Controlied by microprocessor. ●Alarms for motor overload and material shortage. ●400G adopts induction high presure blower with low noise and long motor lifespan. ●Features cable controller for quick adjustment. ●Able to be installed with bag filter(optional)